Commercials and Ads Articles

Advertise on the Top Radio Talk Shows | 888-449-2526

Top Radio Talk Show Advertising Rates Top radio talk shows are listened to by millions of Americans. Interestingly, adults listen to 104 minutes of radio per day, 12.2 hours per week. More Americans listen to the radio than use Facebook. Radio reaches 92% of adults in...

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Wie man aus Deutschland in den Vereinigten Staaten wirbt

Deutsche Unternehmen können problemlos in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika werben. Wenn Sie ein Unternehmen oder Dienstleister in Deutschland sind und im amerikanischen Fernsehen oder wie wir Amerikaner es nennen, oder im Radio, Online Display oder Suchmarketing...

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中国企业可以在美国轻松做广告。如果您是中国的商业或服务提供商,并希望在美国电视上做广告,或者我们美国人称之为电视,或在广播,在线展示或搜索营销或Instagram等社交媒体上做广告。 Facebook或Pinterest或印刷媒体,您可以联系我们,我们将很乐意为您提供帮助。 中国公司如何在美国做广告?只需联系我们,我们就会开展工作。如果您没有英语人员,您可以使用在线印刷翻译将中文翻译成英文后给我们发送电子邮件。...

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Advertising Rates for Travel Channel | 888-449-2526

Travel Channel Advertising Rates Travel Channel celebrates and is inspired by explorers and their passion for travel, curiosity about the world and unique points of view. Travel is eye-opening. Curious. Daring. Fun. Travel Channel is a place for consumers to...

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Advertise on the Food Network | 888-449-2526

Food Network Advertising Rates Food Network average viewership among the 18-49 demographic clocked in at about 141,000 viewers per broadcast. Food Network (the magazine) is distributed to nearly 100 million U.S. households and draws over 46 million unique web users...

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Get Advertising Rates for Discovery Channel | 888-449-2526

Discovery Channel Advertising Rates Discovery Channel, the second most widely distributed cable network in the U.S., is dedicated to creating the highest quality non-fiction content that informs and entertains its consumers about the world in all its wonder, diversity...

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